
Our vision

With all our labels, Team EIFFEL consists of more than 150 years of shared history in Dutch business. In this way, the collective has not only influenced the country's economic developments, but also on social responsibility, which has become increasingly prominent on the collective agenda over the years. Now that the holding company, with more than 3,000 consultants, has reached the size of a player that makes an impact on the Dutch economy, Team EIFFEL feels more responsible than ever to leave its mark on the social, sustainable and ethical growth of the world around us to the same extent. to; sustainability is woven into the mission, vision and strategy of Team EIFFEL.

People, environment and ethics
On the one hand, it is important to cherish the past and embrace and expand existing initiatives within the labels. On the other hand, our size offers the opportunity to make an impact from central initiatives at a level that was previously not feasible. In addition to our ambitions and requirements regarding our CSR policy based on three pillars: people, the environment and ethics, clients and other internal and external stakeholders also place their demands on us. On this page you can read all about how we make an impact through corporate social responsibility.

Contributions to society

We work with organisations that bring value to society. Whether it’s government departments, energy companies, healthcare institutions or many other organisations, they are all in a position to shape the future of the Netherlands. And with our people working alongside them, we are also able to make our own contributions. We share our knowledge and expertise to help these organisations work in sustainable and future-proof ways.

People and talent takes center stage

Our people come first within Team EIFFEL. Period. Because they are the foundation on which we achieve success. Where we help people grow, the value of Team EIFFEL grows. That belief is the core of our existence and that is why we believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to get the best out of themselves. At the same time, we see outside our community that this is not self-evident for everyone in our society. We help those people with the EIFFEL Foundation.

Taking care of our planet

We try to go for the most sustainable choice in everything we do. Separating waste, an energy-neutral office, a vehicle fleet that is largely electric, working with sustainable suppliers – these are all examples of consciously sustainable choices. We also encourage our employees to make sustainable choices, such as by working at home regularly.

A safe work environment

We think it is important that everyone at Team EIFFEL can be themselves and have equal opportunities. Everyone belongs in our organization: we are proud that so many personalities, backgrounds, expertise and talents come together in our community. Diversity is also a means to increase our impact: more different talents and expertise lead to more insights and views, and therefore to more innovation and better solutions.


CSR annual report 2022

As a forward-thinking organization, we at Team EIFFEL have a strong focus on Corporate Social Responsibility. When creating value for our customers, employees and partners, we also take into account the impact on society and the environment. Our annual report is a transparent and comprehensive representation of our CSR efforts, results and commitment to sustainability over the past year and forms the basis for our plans to further increase our impact in the coming year.


Wish to know more about our CSR initiatives? Contact us through communicatie@teameiffel.nl.